In 2004 VH1 Cable Television channel produce a television show called Bands Reunited – hosted by Aamer Haleem (Canadian radio and television personality). The show documented attempts of reunion of formerly popular musical ensemble for a special concert. On a typical show, the crew would go out and hunt down…
When DUBTONIC KRU was awarded the BEST NEW BAND IN THE WORLD title for 2010-2011 ahead of several hundred of their contemporaries who entered the Global Battle of the Bands competition in Malaysia in February 2011, very few people outside Jamaica and Europe new the name – irrespective of the…
Jamaica multi-talented keyboard player Leslie Butler’s new album will have its official I-Tunes release on June 9. The album titled: We’ve Only Just Begun features classic standards like Witchita Lineman, Love Story, Shaft and the title track. Butler is one of Jamaica’s least known musical giants. His classic dub album…