
Disposing of your Old Electronics

Most of us have been in the situation where we purchase a new piece of electronic – a new stereo, laptop or desktop computer, television sets, cell phones, etc. and now we have to dispose of the old one. The only problem is this – state and/or local regulations prohibit…


BY LIONSOUL   (MARCH 16, 2011)  (For When DA’s ( digital guru, Taliesin, asked me to do a regular post on sound system culture, it wasn’t long after we attended the pre-funeral celebration for Cyril Braithwaite. So it makes perfect sense to start a series about sound systems with…

Tech Disruption in the Music Industry

In the 1940s Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter first used the term “creative destruction” to describe the way technological progress – “while improving the lives of some it can simultaneously disrupt the lives of many.” Over the past 25 years we have witnessed this “creativity” becoming more disruptive than destructive in…

The FCC Got It Right the First Time

In a recent address to staff regarding the current status and strategic future of the company, Amazon former President and CEO Jeff Bezos was asked the question – “Where is all this headed? The staff member wanted to know what lessons Bezos had learned from recent bankruptcies of Sears and…