A recent study published at https://renewbariatrics.com/obesity-rank-by-countries/ , estimated that approximately 775 million of the world’s 7.6 billion people – including adult and children are obese. The research suggests there are nearly 650 million obese adults on the planet (as defined as a body mass index (BMI) over 30). In addition,…
Many people may have the desire to get fit, but acting on those desires is a completely different story. Oftentimes it involves pressing through mental and emotional challenges that can easily put a halt on your fitness goals, sometimes for years. So how is it that some people are able…
Life is demanding and many of us often find ourselves juggling many important things in our lives, whether it is multiple jobs, a family, school, and/or caring for an ill loved one. Whatever the case may be, it is very easy to neglect “YOU” – which ironically, if there is…